Throw out the scale or throw out calorie counting?
Don't throw the scale out- throw the calorie counting out. Sounds crazy, right? Well, tell me, has calorie counting worked for you?
What would happen if instead of trying to eat the right amount of calories you decided to only let things in your mouth that are good for you and you exercised everyday? What if you ate fruits, veggies, nuts, grains and lean meats without counting calories- and all your macronutrient needs were met?
One, you wouldn't be hungry. Two, your body would be able to heal itself. And three, YOU WILL LOSE WEIGHT.
This way of eating is not popular because it is simple and many think anything done "old school" means there is a new and improved way of doing it. Nope, sorry. Grandma was thin because she ate raw veggies and lean meats 3 times a day. Do you really need to snack all day long, or can you eat 3 nutritious meals and let your body shed the weight? People have been eating 3 meals a day since I don't know when and now over the last few years almost everyone I know swears you have to eat 6 meals a day. That's crap. It obviously isn't working because the obesity rate is not going down! Besides, who has time to eat 6 meals? I know I don't.
Maybe you try it out and stop driving yourself mad with calorie counting. If calorie counting works for you, fine. I know some people that absolutely love it, and I love them so it's cool. :) If it hasn't worked for you, why not give your body the food it craves instead of the food your tastebuds crave? (read that last sentence again-I want to make sure you got it!)
To be healthy, you need to eat healthily. What do you think about the "6 meals a day" fad going around these days?